My Family...My Life

My Family...My Life

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This is my story...this is my song...please listen to it....


I found a new favourite song. Its called 'Its your love' by Tim Mcgraw and Faith Hill. Its by no means new but only newly discovered by me. I must have been hiding under my rock whilst this song became famous.

Here it is....

The words in this song pierce my soul. They are so true. This is THE song. That one that you would play every time you think about that person or that kind of love. If you were to pick a wedding song, this would be it. Songs have a way to make you dance to a tune that your soul never thought you had. The words pierce you and you feel what the song makes you feel. That's a powerful force, a song.

'Oh it's a beautiful thing don't think I can keep it all in
I just gotta let you know what it is that won't let me go'

Those words put teardrops in my throat as I reminisced over the selfless heart who put time into knowing me. The endless days of waiting and wondering if I'd come, the no.of times he must have been too exhausted to come see to me but he did. I don't know how you know when you love someone. I do know that the fruit of that other person's love will always be obvious. It will always cause you to respond in a positive way. And women respond always, to something. Either to a man's uncommital ways or his genuine love for you. Lets not talk about the number of things he's done publicly to show me that he cares. All those people watching and he could care less. He'll spot me across a packed room because he chooses to look for me. Never because he had to. Always, because he wanted to. If truth be told, I keep responding to the way he reaches out to me more than anything else. I hope he never stops doing that or never stops making me feel safe.

 I wrote this piece to remind myself of how blessed I am that he loves so unselfishly.When it comes to our abilities, his is so obviously great that when you will feel slightly overwhelmed at what you can actually do next to him. He literally can do anything, Personally, I've never struggled with that. I've always felt glad to not compete with him in any way. I don't ever need to.

Its never easy to deal with affairs of the heart. I chose a little while ago to keep choosing love. Not because I have to or because I'm immune to having my feelings hurt. I choose to love because there is someone on the other side of this love who's loving me and that love wont let me go.

We all have a song in our hearts. We can choose to give voice to it or not. We can choose to sing to the Blue's permanently or we can dance to the sound of Pop vibrantly or perhaps we can gently whisper a hymn to calm the soul. We decide though when to sing and how. As much as we would like to think that other people control our circumstances, its actually not entirely true. No one can control your heart which dictates how to feel about a particular issue.

This is my story, this is my song. 


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