My Family...My Life

My Family...My Life

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sometimes we bury hurts and pretend they did not happen......

Hi everyone...just thot of sharing this piece with u....very nice..hope all of u'll enjoy reading it...just take a minute or two !!!!

Sometimes we bury hurts and pretend they did not happen, except they can resurface every so often, or we go to visit the graveside and spend time with our hurts.

Sometimes we carry our hurts with us like a big burden and so they weigh us down.

They never let us be free, they affect how we relate to others.

BUT our awesome God is waiting to set us free from our hurts.

He is able to help us work through those hurts and how they have affected our lives.

It is a process, but freedom from the hurt is achievable.

We can move forward.


One day I dug a little hole,
and put my hurt inside
I thought that I could just forget
I'd put it there to hide.
But that little hurt began to grow,
I covered it every day
I couldn't leave it and go on
It seemed the price I had to pay.

My joy was gone,
my heart was sad,
pain was all I knew.
My wounded soul enveloped me
Loving seemed too hard to do.
One day, while standing by my hole,
I cried to God above
And said, "If You are really there,
They say, You're a God of love!"

And just like that,
He was right there,
And just put his arms around me
He wiped away my tears,
his hurting child there was no safer place to be.
I told Him all about my hurt,
I opened up my heart
He listened to each and every word
to every sordid part.

I dug down deep and got my hurt
I brushed the dirt away
And placed it in the Master's hand
and healing came that day.
He took the blackness from my soul
and set my spirit FREE!
Something beautiful began to grow
where the hurt used to be.

And when I look at what has grown
Out of my tears and pain
I remember every day
to give my hurts to GOD
And never bury them again.

Have faith in our loving God.
There is nothing in this world
too big for our LORD

Author Unknown


Don't be afraid of making mistakes..Problems? No Problems!!!!!

Peace to all....

An interesting article about LIFE IS GREAT......

Life is so great, full of blessings and opportunities. Live in peace and be happy; regardless of whatever happens to you or around you, no problem!

As long as we live, everybody goes through circumstances; some of these circumstances are called problems by some people. If we think we have problems and that we will live in misery because of them, we are right. If we think the circumstances or challenges we have to face are the result of our erroneous choices and actions and they can be fixed, we also are correct. It is a choice and our attitude is what determines our results; it is entirely up to us. At the end, everything is and will be OK. Your attitude determines how you feel physically and mentally and how successful our lives become.

As long as we visualize life's challenges as bigger than us, we will not be able to overcome them, to grow nor improve. There is no problem in making mistakes, at all. All of us make mistakes, but the real problem is not being aware of them.

Awareness is the first step to solve problems and to progress. We don't have to feel useless, incapable, depressed, or failures when we make mistakes. As a matter of fact, all problems and mistakes are opportunities. We find balance by making mistakes, they give us experiences and the opportunity to improve our lives, they are part of our growth, and they are teaching us that next time we need to do it differently.

Making mistakes doesn't make us useless, incapable, worthless or failures unless we quit. When you have a problem or make a mistake, just get up and keep going; at the end of the tunnel there is always light. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. What really affects your performance are the fears and doubts, and wasting your time thinking about something that already happened.

We all are here to learn, nobody is perfect. Instead of focusing on the problems in the past, focus on the results you want. The more time you spend thinking and doing what you want, the better you feel and the closer you are to accomplishing it. Be confident! Never, never, never hesitate! Mistakes are opportunities in disguise. Making a mistake is only telling us that we need to learn something new, that it is time to change, and change is growth.

In order to grow and reach harmony, life will always put us in the place where we need to be, and as many times as we need, until we learn the lesson. If things are not going the way you want, life, through our problems, is telling us that we need to change our attitude, the way we are thinking, feeling and acting. As Albert Einstein said, "A problem can not be solved with the same mind that created it".

The only way to solve any problem is to be aware of it and understand it. So, if you want all aspects of your life to be in harmony, to change and improve, put yourself in a different environment, in a different mind frame. Educate yourself, learn as much as you can and dare to do new things. Say to yourself, "I am bigger than my problems, fear and doubts, and I have everything it takes to succeed".

Be responsible and become part of the solution. Give and don't depend on others but yourself. Face your life without fear, with confidence and don't run away from your problems, because as long as you don't solve them, they will always be there chasing you; it doesn't matter where you go. If you want to prevent, avoid and be able to solve all your problems, the confused, conflictive and poor person within you needs to die and you have to become a winner, a problems solver.

Love without thinking about it, give the best of you, appreciate what you have, live in peace, smile, and be happy regardless any circumstance.





Better keep the word or never do so.......

We can see a lot of people who give out plenty of offerings and promises with good things. But 90% of these promises will not happen anymore.  People in the other end of-course will be fascinated with the unforgettable offerings. This may shake their normal life too. Sometimes the whole future might be depending on these offers. These promises are like the advertisement of Hell ( Just Kidding :-) )

We can see these types of promises among business people, higher authority of organizations and crooked people like that. But sure this is not the boundary of these promises. We can see it anywhere anytime. :-) .
So what is the reason?? Yes, This is for some personal needs or profitable decisions. Anyway in one or other way profit is the only intension of these offers.

At last what will happen?? Here come the three different eccentric characters.
Some people consider the promises as if they were the curry leaves in curries. They will never turn to the offers and just give up after the specific need that they previously plotted, had happened. They are the very cruel faces who will not give any consideration to human feelings.

Another type will try to keep the promise, but in some point they may not be able to fulfill that. So what they will do is they will give some other offers instead of the one they have given previously. But still there is not a 100% mind to do so. They are a group who bothered about people who feels anything wrong. Gradually they will transfer to a group of people who belongs to the third category.

The third category people are the one who will never face the person to whom they have given the promise. They are cowards without a back bone. They want to get everything but do not want to lose anything. They will utilize others for their own personal benefits and will not give face to them after the fulfillment of their needs. The second category people which I have explained above gradually transforms to this category in the future.

Apparently most of the offerings will not happen in the right time, right place and in the right mode. These are my view points and there may be another face for this discussion like the two sides of a coin. So anyone can discuss their views, thoughts, experience or truths through comments.

hugs & kisses from me...
