My Family...My Life

My Family...My Life

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Good morning to all

Hi morning everyone....

wow, what a chilling sunday today...woke up very early to send the children to school and started blogging for a while coz gonna go to the market today to get some fresh food.....

It's a last sunday for the month and January is leaving us by tomorrow to welcome the new February.....MOnths passed by so swiftly and memories of yesteryears are still fresh in one's mind...

Some friends did ask me many times, "Hei, Kak Zu, u really have time now, facebooking, then now blogging.  We just could not find time for all that...we are very busy even at home...I'm quite proud of u!!!"...

well, is that a compliment or an insinuation (sindiran)? 

It could be both..i think lah...but to me, no matter how busy i am at home, i'll try to find a time (my own time) for all those things to be done...i could still read and write at the same time.... I like to browse the internets and look for nice articles to be shared with my could be poems, short stories, motivational articles and religious knowledgeable articles to suit my writing mood for the day...

I was really proud of myself, since i first wrote my articles and published in the notes at facebook walls, i received a number of friends' invitations...But i really thank God coz one of my writings had really transformed one person in her life....that is really a surprise to me....I told myself "Alhamdulillah...Well done, zue, you had done a charity in a way!"....

Really, I am very passionate about having what i learn in order to help others,,,The blog provides me a fantastic place for me to explore what I learn with a community that is also interested in learning....To me, life is a learning experience , the more i pay attention to it and use what i learn from my readings, the better my life becomes....

Since my younger days, i had been collecting wisdom words, quotations , sayings and motivational short stories from my friends via books and magazines...Those days, we didn't have computers nor reading was our only, now, i spread my wings and managed to get all those interesting articles thru the emails and internets....

Thru all these kind of hobbies, I don't grow old easily, i mind is always filled up with all the good things in life even though there are always hardships in leading the path...i overcome it by not thinking about the problems faced because i know that worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace...

So, i  decide to be happy and the rest is a matter of experiences or circumstances.....

Finally, do always remember that you are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.....

mama zue

Renungkan dan selamat beramal

Bila kita memulakan sesuatu...

Kadang-kadang kita lupa letakkan niat

Kadang-kadang kita lupa letakkan usaha,

Kadang-kadang kita tunggu disergah baru hendak mengolah,

Sebab tu bila kerja tak menjadi,

Kita mula angkat kaki...

Bila kita berusaha...Kadang-kadang lupa pula hendak berdoa,

Siang malam kerah tenaga dan masa...

Sebab tu bila kerja masih tak sempurna,

Kita mudah putus asa.

Bila kita berniat, berusaha dan berdoa...

Kadang-kadang kita lupa pula untuk bertawakkal pada Yang Esa.

Bertawakal pun pada bicara tapi di hati masih buta.

Sebab tu bila dilanda masalah,

Kita marah tak tentu hala...

Bila kita berniat, berusaha, berdoa dan bertawakal...

Kadang-kadang kita tetap alpa,

Nak sebut Alhamdulillah pun payah,

Berdoa pun sekali sekala,

Bersyukur sekejap cuma..

Sebab tu bila kita berjaya,

Allah datangkan ujian dan musibah...

Supaya kita ingat dan kembali ke jalan redha,

Tetapi kita kecewa sampai mencari jalan mudah..

Membenci diri memusuhi nadi.


Kita manusia ciptaan Allah,

Allah takkan lupa pada langkah kita.

Tapi sememangnya lahiriah kita,

Kadang-kadang lebih suka dipuji,

Sebab itu kita jarang memuji Yang Maha Terpuji,

Kadang-kadang lebih suka dicintai,

Sebab itu kita lupa menyintai Yang Maha Menyintai,

Kadang-kadang kita lebih suka menyendiri,

Tapi lupa Allah sedang memerhati.

Sebab itu teruskanlah bermuhasabah pada pencipta,

Kerana dalam firman Allah;

Bernafas di udara yang sama,

Bila lemah Allah itu ada,

Bila derita Allah itu bersama,

Senang, susah, sedih, gembira..

Kadang-kadang kita lupa baca Bismillah

Sebab tu bila ada masalah,
Kita cepat menyerah...

Bila kita berniat..

Kerana itu..

Pada masalah harus bersabar dan redha

Pada ujian harus tabah dan teguh

Pada kegagalan harus usaha, doa dan tawakkal

Sama tetapi tidak serupa,

Kerana kejayaan di dunia bukan pengukur kejayaan di sana

Kekayaan harta di dunia bukan jaminan kebahagiaan di sana

Kesusahan dan penderitaan di dunia belum tentu bersambung di sana

Kealpaan kita di dunia pasti menjadi kesakitan kita di sana

Di sana itulah yang perlu kita kejar,

Agar dunia mengikuti dengan redha...

Di sana,

Akhirat yang pasti.

Syurga yang terindah,


Neraka yang menyala!


"Bagi tiap-tiap seorang ada malaikat penjaganya silih berganti dari hadapannya dan dari belakangnya, yang mengawas dan menjaganya (dari sesuatu bahaya) dengan perintah Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah apa yang ada pada sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri. Dan apabila Allah menghendaki untuk menimpakan kepada sesuatu kaum bala bencana (disebabkan kesalahan mereka sendiri), maka tiada sesiapapun yang dapat menolak atau menahan apa yang ditetapkanNya itu, dan tidak ada sesiapapun yang dapat menolong dan melindungi mereka selain daripadaNya. (Ar-Ra'd:11)"

Renung –renungkan & selamat beramal…..


Boring Saturday......

Oh my God, this saturday is such a boring one....
woke up late then rushed to the market and nothing much left... so bought chicken, rebung and other vegetables....

before cooking, accompanied nasrul to the Centre Point to buy his neccesities for his enrolment in the Science School next week.....RM500 gone...ha ha ha...

came back from Centre Point, prepared lunch...simple lunch...rebung masak lemak & fried chicken...that's about all....

played carom with Along for a while and had a short nap .....did some reading then started blogging again....writing is my passion so i sit down and tried to write whatever in mind....

unexpected weather for the day, sometimes it rains, then stop and started to rain again....the wind blew so hard....banging all the doors and windows at home...but the weather was actually nice and cooling....

quite lazy to cook anything for just had hot milo and biscuits....actually, lazing around is the best thing to do now.......