My Family...My Life

My Family...My Life

Monday, February 21, 2011

Very funny & is good to release tensions.......

kills my boredom.....
tonight, did some homework and maybe kena tidur awal kot.....

so, folks, bacalah the jokes below and have some fun giggling...
 Prospective Employer to Applicant: 'So why did you leave your previous job?'
 Applicant: ' The company relocated and they did not tell me where!'

 Wife: 'Sir, I would like to call on my husband who left me and brought all our five kids with him.'
 Radio Host: 'Ok, go ahead!'
 Wife: 'Sweetheart, please return back all the kids, actually only one of them is yours.'

 Hello! I'm here again. My mind is all muddled up. I just want to ask something. I know
 that you will be able to help me out. Is BIRDS FLU the past tense of BIRDS FLY?

You were riding a bus, when you suddenly fart. Luckily the music is very loud. Every time you farted, you timed it with the music.
 When you were going down the bus, everybody were throwing dagger looks at you, and you suddenly realized . . . .
that you have your MP3 player on your ears !


 WIFE: It's a miracle! You came home early.
 HUSBAND: I just obeyed what my boss told me to do. He said: 'GO TO HELL',
 that's why I came home early.

 1st night grandma wore a see-thru dress, grandpa didn't react...
 2nd night grandma wore t-back, grandpa still didn't react...
 3rd night grandma all naked, grandpa said 'what is that you are wearing,
 it's all crumpled!!'

 John: it's my wife's birthday
 Peter: what's your gift to her?
 John: I asked her what she wanted
 Peter: what did she said?
 J: anything, as long a there is a DIAMOND.
 P: what did you gave her?
 J: playing cards

Teacher: We are descendants of Adam and Eve!
 Student: That's not true! My dad said we are descendants of an Ape!
 Teacher: We are not talking about your FAMILY! <

The Moment you are in Tension
You will lose your Attention
Then you are in total Confusion
And you will feel Irritation
Then you will spoil personal 
Ultimately, you won't get 
Co - Operation
Then you will turn things into 
Then your blood pressure may raise Caution
And you may have to take Medication 

Instead, understand the 
And try to think about the 
Many problems will be solved by Discussion
This will work out better in your Profession
Don't think it's my free 
It's only for your 
If you understand my Intention
You will never come again to 


1 comment:

  1. so, it was really a tiring day for needs some relaxation to heal the stressful day at the office....light's off in a while....
