My Family...My Life

My Family...My Life

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How's your mood today????

Everyday, i thought of writing something in this blog...just thought of filling up the gap...
Sometimes, i asked myself "WHY?" well, nothing but just thought of spraying my thoughts on at least a topic a day...

Then, I asked myself again," Will it be forever or will it just be a matter of time? ", well, this depends on my mood..

Talking about mood, i am a plain human being with all sorts of moods...happy,excitement, overwhelmed, anger, frustrated, sulky, bored, depressed & bla bla bla...

Being happy, is when everything is perfect...people around you makes u smile, no problems in the office, cases ended early, loads of work but enjoyable, meeting nice people and received no complains from the bosses... and definitely when the weekend is la la...

Nevertheless, in the midst of your happiness, something bad can happen at any time of the day....

Everyone gets into a big ol’ bad mood sometimes. I’m talking about the kind of mood that throws a spanner in the works, has you fuming at every little thing and threatens to ruin a perfectly good day.
Sometimes these moods happen just when you don’t want them to and they can get in the way of doing what you want to do in the way that you want to do it. 

The mood changing from happy to bad at an instant happens to everyone...
So, how do you cope??? As for me, my moods switched on & off very fast...i can be happy and i can be in bad mood for a while but the bad mood won't last if somebody cheer me up...

Unfortunately, there are those would live in a bad mood whereas there are factors that can heal them as to make their life happy although things are bad due to bad health, bad relationship, marital problems,overworked and many others...

When you’re in a bad mood it’s easy to look for things to fuel that bad mood or reinforce it. Why? Because you want to feel like your bad mood is valid, so you look for things to validate it and make it right.
Break that habit by doing the opposite, no matter how strange it might feel. Watch a funny movie, play your favourite song, go for a walk in your local park, grab a coffee and a slice of pie in that great coffee shop. Do something that feels good and puts a smile on your face, and your bad mood will be history....of course, it can just ease your mood...

The only worries that i have is when i'm in a bad mood over some matters, there will be different perception from certain people whereby they thought i am having grudges towards him or her...whereas it's nothing in related to's only that sometimes, i don't feel like talking at that time...moodless...what do u expect?? I would rather concentrate on something that i like and i never want anybody to disturb me until i'm relieved from that kind of mood... It's not proper anyway but that's the BEST thing i can do...of coz, it's not for mood can change at a glimpse of time...

No doubt, i am a cheerful person...i think those people  around me or knows me well would definitely agree with this statement...ha ha ha.... very outspoken indeed but the truth is in it for me, there is always a solution for everything so there's no need to be so sulky for long...cheer up is better than being down for the the rest the day coz it will spoil other people's mood too....

Last but not least, life is a choice..It is your life..choose consciously..choose wisely..choose honestly, choose HAPPINESS

Live Life

Life is crazy,
and totally unpredictable...
It's going to push you over,
kick you while you're down
and hit you when you try to get back up.
Not everything can beat you.
Things are going to change you,
But you get to choose which ones you let change you.
Listen to your heart,
Follow your dreams,
And let no one tell you what you're capable of.
Push the limits,
Bend the rules,
And enjoy every minute of it.
Laugh at everything,
Live for as long as you can.
Love all,
But trust none.
Believe in yourself,
And never lose
faith in others
Settle for nothing but only the best,
And give 110% in everything you do.
Take risks,
Live on the edge,
Yet stay safe,
And cherish every moment of it.
Life is a gift,
Appreciate all the rewards,
And jump on every opportunity.
Not everyone's going to love you
But who needs them anyways.
Challenge everything,
And fight for what you believe.
Back down to nothing,
But give in to the little things in life,
After all, that is what makes you.
Forget the unnecessary,
But remember everything,
Bring it with you everywhere you go.
Learn something new,
And appreciate criticism.
Hate nothing,
But dislike what you want.
Never forget where you came from,
And always remember where you are going.
Live Life to its fullest,
And have a reason for everything,
Even if it's totally insane.
Find Your purpose in life,
and Live it!


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