My Family...My Life

My Family...My Life

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Is Really Blood Thicker Than Water....please read on....

Have you ever thought about the saying “blood is thicker than water” and what that en tales? Its such a simple phrase only 5 words long and yet it packs enough emotion to cause serious harm.

The phrase “Blood is thicker than water” is actually an old German proverb (originally: Blut ist dicker als Wasser.) It generally means that the bonds of family and common ancestry are stronger than those bonds between unrelated people (such as friendship).
When it comes to family when do we draw the line with loyalty? Are we eternally indebted by our family crests built on eons of genes, DNA and love or are we able to dash that all away for the sake of someone to which we have no genetic ties.
Whether your family is big or small there comes a point where the age old question of the thickness of blood comes into play. Once upon a time family values were to be honored in the highest regards and still is some cultures. Yet, in a modernized society family values and morals are defined differently by each individual member of the family. Some care about it and others could care less about where their loyalty lies. Their own selfish gains are what’s most important, and they’ll continually dabble in toxic liaisons with others regardless of the consequences it may hold.
My thoughts? The decisions that are made when choosing outsiders versus your family have the potential to seriously change your life and family dynamics. Think about the person you’re choosing over your family, if the decision came down to you and their family do you REALLY think they would honor their relationship with you over their family wishes? When opting to choose the ever translucent water over blood be prepared for the repercussions which may include alienation, severed ties and even worse…broken hearts.

There has come a time in my life where I’m looking around at the people who are family, and the people who I choose to call family and thinking it all over.

An ounce of blood is worth more than a pound of friendship. ~Spanish Proverb

They say blood is thicker than water. I see that, I would do anything for my sisters and brothers, be they full siblings or half. I would also do anything for Navy Guy, my chosen brother. He came into our lives and has been the best family anyone could ask for.
There's an awful lot of blood around that water is thicker than. ~Mignon McLaughlin

How do these people, best friends, children of people our parents once dated, sisters of boys we once dated who now live 3000 miles away, or sisters of friends we knew in high school, become family? And how is it that the people we choose as family can often warm our hearts so much more than people who are tied to us by blood or marriage? Well we often just plain like them more. At the same time they are often the people who care the most for you when they don’t owe you anything.

I’ve learned our place in a family, and the traditions we hold dear, should not be dependant on who we are married to. We can love people like family because we’ve married into them, we can leap gung-ho into their traditions forgoing building our own, but we need to know we’ve left ourselves open to losing that if our marriage falters.

Building a life no one can take away from you will protect you in a storm. And I think, after all of the sadness thinking about how what I lost, though I didn’t lose it in the end, I’m ready to build my own traditions, in my own home, with my children, my husband if he so chooses, and anyone who wants to be a part of my family.

‘if blood is thicker than water, then love is thicker than blood.’
Here’s to love being thicker than blood, now go give someone in our family a hug…tell them I miss them too!!!!

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